Andrew Everett

Writing a book review, synopsis, or précis is a way to debrief myself on the key points. The reviews can also jog my memory about something I’ve read a while back. I hope you’ll find them useful as well.

My reviews provide a taste of the subject matter and help you decide if you’d like to read the book. One author referred to my review as a whistle-stop tour of his book.

I read books about art, business, complexity, systems thinking, and other nonfiction topics which spark my curiosity. Here’s a categorized list of more than 300 titles I have reviewed. And here’s a graphic version for those who prefer to judge a book by its cover. Maybe something will pique your interest. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

I don’t like e-books—I prefer ink on paper. I grew up in a paper mill town. Maybe that explains my affinity for paper. Or maybe it has something to do with comprehension.

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